Combine Win/Loss Surveys with Win/Loss Interviews

Thinking of survey questions as an extension of your interview questions will enrich your insights, bigtime.
Brennon Garrett
Kaptify Founder
Brennon has conducted thousands (and thousands) of Win/Loss interviews. If he doesn't hold the world record for most Win/Loss interviews ever conducted, he's at least a contender.
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When you think about Win/Loss “data”, there are 3 main sources it usually comes from. The CRM, survey data, and customer interviews. Each of these data sources differs significantly from the other two, and one of the best ways to enrich your Win/Loss insights is to combine customer interviews data with survey data. Let me explain. 

CRM Win/Loss Data is incomplete and often wrong altogether: First of all, almost all companies have some form of Win/Loss data in their CRM. The sales person will usually write down a quick note about why the deal was lost, and then mark the deal as officially closed/lost. For companies without a Win/Loss program in place, this data is “the source of truth” for why you’re losing deals. Interestingly, the gap between the sales person’s explanation notes in the CRM and what the person will tell you in a Win/Loss interview is… well, it’s massive. In our experience the sales-person’s explanation of why the deal was lost is incomplete at least 80-90% of the time, and is actually wrong at least 50% of the time. That’s a big gap. We’ll have more to say about that in another article. 

Your existing “why did we lose” automatic survey doesn’t work: Once you embark on building a proper Win/Loss program, you’ll quickly realize that there are two new channels you’ll be thinking about: interviews and surveys. And you may already have a survey going out asking about why they decided to leave you. Nearly every company we’ve worked with has an automated survey that goes out, or, they’ve had one in the past and are trying to bring it back again. What’s also interesting is that feedback from this survey tends to yield data that’s not much different from what the sales person noted in the CRM. It’s not great data. Not to mention that response rates on these types of surveys are very low.

Combine your interviews with a new type of Win/Loss survey: Leveling up your Win/Loss insight data requires conducting live interviews with participants, and then evolving your survey data to compliment your live interview data. The way we utilize surveys to enrich Win/Loss data is not by sending an automated survey to every closed lost deal. Rather, we send an “exit survey” to every “closed/lost” participant that we interview, and we structure the survey questions to enrich the questions the participant was just asked in the interview. This approach tends to generate such rich insights that you can do away altogether with your ‘auto-survey’, (which will help your Win/Loss recruiting efforts because people will be receiving fewer but more targeted messages from your company. Less noise = good).

Once you start seeing the exit survey as an extension of the interview itself, you’ll start seeing interview data in a whole new light. It’s one thing to have a good interview, but the depth-of-insight you can achieve by combining these two channels makes this approach surprisingly powerful.