How it Works

for Product Marketing Teams

Grow Revenue Across the Company

We gather product feedback for your product team, sales feedback for your sales team, pricing feedback for your executive team, and plenty of growth and marketing feedback for your growth and marketing teams. With fresh data in hand, you can empower your different teams with actionable insights on the most important problems they need to solve.

Enable Revenue Everywhere

Identify the highest value problems for each team, and put each team in motion. Your teams are undoubtedly busy, but are they busy solving the most valuable problems? Probably not. Kaptify feedback surfaces not just highest value problems for the company, but the highest value problems for each of your teams.  

We conduct interviews with your wins, losses, and churns

We uncover why you're winning, why you're losing, and why people churn. These conversations generate powerful insights across each of your teams.
Step 1

30 minute in-depth conversations

The insights you need to meaningfully grow revenue can only be uncovered through conversations with your customers. By conducting long-form conversations with people about the most important questions, we generate relevant insights for all of your teams.

Each team has their own data-set

In our software platform all of our feedback is organized by team, so everyone can dive into the feedback that's relevant for them.
Step 2

Feedback organized by team

Our conversations start with an open ended question like "why did you decide not to purchase", but their answer will have different impacts on different teams. the issue could be related to product, pricing, support, competition, or sales. Whatever their response, we organize the feedback based on which team it applies to.

Each team receives insights relevant to their team.

Qualitative data is often too rich and complex to organize by team efficiently. All of the feedback in Kaptify is structured by team out of the box.
Step 3

Insights delivered to each team

With unique and high-value feedback in hand, you can now reach out to your teams and share the relevant insights for their team. With this new insight they can solving the problems that will drive the most revenue for the company.
Step 4

Reports for Executives

Each interview is delivered back to you in a format that is easy to consume, easy to understand and shareable with your key stake holders. Each of our reports identifies the key steps needed to save the account, and important information on how much churn-risk exists for the account.
Step 5

Reports for Product, Growth, Sales, Support

Each interview is delivered back to you in a format that is easy to consume, easy to understand and shareable with your key stake holders. Each of our reports identifies the key steps needed to save the account, and important information on how much churn-risk exists for the account.
Step 6

Reports on the competition

Each interview is delivered back to you in a format that is easy to consume, easy to understand and shareable with your key stake holders. Each of our reports identifies the key steps needed to save the account, and important information on how much churn-risk exists for the account.

Each time is solving their highest value problems

You take the guess work out of
whether your teams are working on the right things.
Step 7

Each team is driving new revenue

With clear data on key problems across each of your teams, they're now all in motion working on problems that will drive growth outcomes for the company.

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