How it Works

for Customer Success Teams

Reduce Churn by 30%

Most teams reach out to pre-renewal customers when it's already too late. Usually the seeds of churn get planted early on in the customer experience, and if you're not uncovering and solving those issues early enough, it's unlikely you'll be able to keep them on as customers over the long-term.

For every 100 customers at risk of churn

We can help you save at least 30 of them. The secret to reducing churn is simple: you need to uncover and solve your customers pain points before the bubble over and cause permanent damage. The problem is that most of their pain are largely hidden from you, and the only way you can truly uncover them is through an in-depth 1-on-1 conversation. Most teams don't have the time or resources to engage at this level. That's where we come in.

We Interview all of Your At-Risk Customers

Many of your best customers may be at risk of churn without you knowing it. We interview as many customers as we can.
Step 1

30 minute in-depth conversations

The insights truly you need from your customers can only be uncovered in conversations. It's incredibly difficult if not impossible to ascertain why customers are struggling by looking at your product analytics alone. Analytics may tell you what is happening (they're struggling), but they won't tell you why it's happening, which is where you'll find the solution.

We uncover all of their hidden pain points

Our long-form conversations give customers the breathing room to express all of their frustrations in exquisite detail.
Step 2

We find out exactly what's wrong

Long-form conversation with a an unbiased 3rd party is a powerful recipe for getting customers to relax and be fully transparent about the actual experience they're having with your product. This format uncovers hidden and intense pain points being experienced by many of your best customers, and ensures that the issues are explained with rich color and detail.
Step 3

We send reports with our findings

Each interview is delivered back to you in a format that is easy to consume, easy to understand and shareable with your key stake holders. Each of our reports identifies the key steps needed to save the account, and important information on how much churn-risk exists for the account.

You determine what to prioritize.

We package up our findings in a format that allows you to quickly identify next steps and put your teams in motion.
Step 4

You review the at-risk accounts

Once we've uncovered all of the pain points your customer is experiencing, we package them up and make them available in our software platform. From there you can determine which issues are fixable, which issues are highest priority, and which issues to ignore.

You fix the key issues and start reducing churn

Now that you have a data-driven plan in place, you can execute the highest revenue fixes and start saving revenue for your company
Step 5

You save your accounts

With an in-depth understanding of the issues your customer is experiencing, you can now move forward and fix those issues long before the account is up for renewal. Your customers will deeply appreciate your ability and willingness to fix their issues, and the experience will likely lead to a successful account renewal.

Talk to Us

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