Presenting Your Win/Loss Findings to your Team

Presenting your Win/Loss findings effectively is the key to your program's longevity, and the resulting actionability resulting from the data. Present well and you'll set of a very exciting chain of events within your company.
Brennon Garrett
Kaptify Founder
Brennon has conducted thousands (and thousands) of Win/Loss interviews. If he doesn't hold the world record for most Win/Loss interviews ever conducted, he's at least a contender.
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One of the biggest components of a successful Win/Loss program is presenting your findings to the team. There are three big questions when it comes to presenting your findings which are “who”, “how”, and “when”. Let’s address each of these individually. 

“Who” should you include in your Win/Loss findings presentation?

The quick answer to this question is “all of the stakeholders”. But in practice, what does that mean? Does it mean you should do one massive presentation to basically everyone? Does it mean you should do individual presentations to each team? Does it mean you should just do a video presentation to a small group, and let people forward the video to each other? Maybe it means centralizing all the raw data (videos, transcript, and notes) and giving people access to everything, including a slide deck. Here’s our recommendation: 

“How” should you present your findings? 

Put all of the findings into a slide deck that fits how your company typically creates slide decks. No big surprises here. Most companies have their own culture and templates when it comes to presentations, follow those guidelines and drop all of the relevant insights into that format. And when you do your presentation, just go through the slides

Another classic question is you’ll have apparently conflicting data in your presentation. For example, sometimes “price” is one of the top reasons you’re losing deals, but it’s also one of the top reasons you're winning deals. How can that be? Well, in your presentation, your audience will have a knee-jerk judgment and sense that there’s a contradiction and will ask about it in front of everyone. What’s probably going on here is the data is correct, but the reason pricing works in both directions is because larger customers may think the price is high, and smaller customers may think the price is low. So it is driving wins and losses, it just depends on who the customer is. There are nuanced distinctions like this throughout the data, and when your audience senses a contradiction in your presentation, take a step back, think about what they’re saying, and simply move into the nuanced explanation of why it appears contradictory, but actually isn’t. (if you’ve done all the interviews yourself, you understand this data much better than you think you do!). Once you provide that type of explanation, the contradiction shifts from being a contradiction to being an insight, and tends to generate interesting conversation amongst the team (it also tends to build your credibility as an expert on the data)   

“When” should you present your findings?

This depends a little on how many interviews you're conducting, but on average our clients tend to present their findings quarterly, and on average the data-set consists of 30-40 interviews. If we’re thinking about just the size of the data-set alone, we’d recommend getting at least 20 interviews before presenting, and if you’re really able to generate a high-volume of interviews, the sweet-spot for total interviews is closer to 60.  A lot of teams have a hard time generating that many interviews, so as long as you’re north of 20, you’ll have a big enough data-set to start identifying patterns so long as one key thing is true: The 20 interviews are all fairly similar in profile. For example, if you have 3 different products, you don’t want 7 interviews from each product, that’s a mess. You want 20 interviews from 1 product. And then within that product you want to segment as much as possible. So it would look more like 20 interviews from 1 product, all of around the same size (mid-market) and all based in North America, or something along those lines. If your customer profile is well defined, 20 interviews will suffice. And if you’ve got a lot of interviews booked, aim for 60 if you can!